Monday 22 October 2012

The Big Swing

In that first week of October 2012, a few other memories wandered into my consciousness and willingly leapt onto the page.

In 2008, my Mum and some of my sisters did a nostalgia trip to the farm we grew up on.  Twenty odd years takes its toll.  No, of course I'm not talking about me!  I couldn't believe the Big Swing was gone.  So I crayoned it back in.

The Big Swing

I run like a fairy stripped of wings,
bare feet lifting off gravel
before the sharpness penetrates,
gravity thwarting the desire to fly.
I leap to refreshing grass
although still hopping
round hiding cowpats.
I arrive at the Big Swing.

Farm vista laid out before me,
dogs, hopeful, in kennels below me,
a warm breeze circles up the hill.
Round the front, I grab the sides,
thick slab of wood bumps down my spine
as I tiptoe backwards up the hill
then reach, grab, jump
- and soar.

Tummy left behind, a tail streaming,
rippling with laughter, catching up
then lost again, I cling for precious life,
celebrate with winged fairies.
Then letting arms and legs relax
I let the lull of fore and aft
release me from the daily graft.



  1. This evokes such memories! Nicely said. Nicely felt. "The lull of fore and aft..." Oh, this is indeed play. One of the best kinds of recreation :)I'm swinging with you on the farm - and swinging back to my childhood.
