Sunday, 21 June 2020

Relationship Building 101

I strongly believe that world peace starts with me/us individually - "let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me"

... and for me, that means the relationships going on inside myself.  Internal Family Systems along with any 'parts' theory in the psychology world helps us to consider how we are at war with ourselves.  
This last weekend, for example, I have noticed: 
  • the part of me that wants approval from other battling with the part of me that wants to do things my way; 
  • the part of me that has dependents needs battling with the part of me that values independence; 
  • the part of me that knows those chips aren't good for me battling with the part of me that just wants the satisfying saltiness and crunch; 
  • the part of me that knows I 'should' be working on my business and the part of me that just wants a relaxing weekend responsible for nothing.  
Exploring how our parts interact with themselves and 'other', in relationship, is a current fascination.

The table below (I call it Relationship Building 101) contains some thoughts on what capacities are required, first at an internal level, between parts of ourselves and hopefully once we have practised that for a while, we can move on to practising with those we love.